I'm Kim.

Writer, Editor, Communicator
Let me tell your story
I'm a life-long Sussex Countian. I grew up in Milford with a soybean field as my front yard. I am
a nationally recognized award winning writer and journalist who specializes in feature writing, but I'm also a mother, daughter, wife, educator, small business owner, activist and public servant. I especially like taking complex subjects, getting to the heart of what they are and presenting them in a way people can understand. To do that, you have to talk to people - even people you don't agree with.
It's the same approach I take to solving problems. Find out what the real problem is and propose a common sense solution.
I'm not afraid to ask difficult questions or ask for a little bit more than is expected.
More to Come!!
Let's Work Together
What are your priorities? Let's discuss.
PO Box 143
Nassau, DE 19969